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The 11th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics​


Dates: November 23-24, 2019


Venue:The Humanities Building in East China Normal Univercity (Minhang Campus), Shanghai




International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL) was initiated by the world-famous ethnic Chinese linguistician, William S.-Y. Wang in 2009. Previous 10 CIEL conferences have been held in Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Xiamen, Kunming, Nanjing and Bloomington, and have consolidated a platform for international interdisciplinary exchange on Evolutionary Linguistics, thereby promoting the development of this field of research. The CIEL-11 will be held on November 23-24, 2019 in East China Normal University (Minhang Campus), Shanghai. We invite all scholars interested in language and evolution to attend.




Call for papers

Call for Papers

(Notice No.1 of CIEL-11)

Full abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2019

Topics of CIEL-11 include the following areas:

1.    Language and the brain
2.    Language and population evolution on Chinese
3.    Archaeological evidence of language evolution on Chinese
4.    Vertical and horizontal transmission of language
5.    Language as a complex adaptive system
6.    Experimental research on language

Please send Chinese or English abstracts (within 1000 words) to the conferece email in both Word and PDF format by May 15, 2019. And Formal invitations will be sent out after submission and evaluation.
We cordially welcome all interested colleagues and students to attend!

Honorary Chairmen of CIEL-11: William S.-Y. Wang
Convener of CIEL-11: Zheng Wei (
Contact Person of CIEL-11: Wu Junru (




论文摘要提交截止日期: 2019年5月15日


  1. 语言与大脑

  2. 中国语言的演化与中国人群的演化

  3. 中国语言的演化与考古学的证据

  4. 语言的纵向传递与横向传递

  5. 语言作为一个复杂适应系统

  6. 语言实验研究













联系人:吴君如 13636592145、孟亚茹 13006354991




Attendance Form

​(Notice No. 2 of CIEL-11)

Deadline of Attendance & Accomadation Receipts submission: October 15, 2019

(Please check your email for this notice and 2 receipts!)


Dear Prof./Dr.______,

The 11th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics will be held in East China Normal University, Shanghai, from November 23 to 24, 2019. Thanks for your support. Please confirm your attendance and update your abstract by emailing before October 15, 2019 (Email subject: attendance + name + affiliation). Due to the limited number of rooms available, please indicate your accommodation preference and reply to this email with your accommodation registration form as soon as possible (please find attached “CIEL accommodation form”).

You can also search the hotels near ECNU Minhang Campus for your accommodation preference by clicking the option menu [Accinidadation] on the left of this website.

Contacts: Junru Wu, 13636592145; Yaru Meng, 13006354991





WANG, Shi Yuan William


WANG, Shi Yuan William,who was born in 1933 and obtained his PhD from the University of Michigan in 1960, is a world-renowned linguist, chair professor of language and cognitive science at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, honorary professor at Peking University, and academician of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan. In 1973, professor Wang founded Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Professor Wang has a wide range of research interests and has made great achievements in language engineering, evolutionary linguistics, computational linguistics, experimental phonetics, cognition and neurolinguistics, etc. His "lexical diffusion theory" has been widely influential in the international linguistic circle. He has published many academic papers in Nature, American Scientist, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Scientific American and other top international journals.

王士元,1933年生,1960年取得密歇根大学博士学位,是世界著名语言学家、香港理工大学语言与认知科学讲座教授、北京大学名誉教授、台湾“中央研究院”院士。1973年,王士元教授创办《中国语言学报》。王士元教授研究兴趣广泛,在语言工程、演化语言学、计算语言学、实验语音学、认识和神经语言学等领域都卓有建树,他提出的“词汇扩散理论”在国际语言学界有广泛影响。他曾在《Nature》《American Scientist》《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences》[USA]、《Scientific American》等顶级国际期刊上发表多篇学术论文。

Salikoko S. Mufwene.jpg

Salikoko S. Mufwene

萨利科科·S. 穆夫温

Salikoko S. Mufwene, Salikoko S. Mufwene was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1947. He is the Frank J. McLoraine Distinguished Service Professor of Linguistics and the College at the University of Chicago, where he also serves on the Committee of Evolutionary Biology. His current research is in evolutionary linguistics, which he approaches from an ecological perspective, focused on the phylogenetic emergence of languages and language speciation, especially the emergence of creoles and other forms of the indigenization of European languages in the colonies, as well as language vitality. His books include: The Ecology of Language Evolution (CUP, 2001), Language Evolution: Contact, competition and change (Continuum Press, 2008), and Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America (U of Chicago Press, 2014). He is the founding editor of Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact. 


李楚成David Li.jpg

David C. S. Li is Professor and Head of Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (CBS), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). His main research areas include Bilingual interaction and code-switching (translanguaging), multilingualism in Greater China. Recently, he became interested in sociolinguistic issues related to the historical spread of the Chinese language to sinographic East Asia (Japan, Korea and Vietnam).


David C. S. Li



Zhongwei Shen


Prof. Zhongwei Shen received his BA from Fudan University, Shanghai, China and MA and PhD from University of California at Berkeley. He joined the faculty at University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1995. Currently he is a Full Professor of Chinese Linguistics in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. He is interested in Chinese historical phonology, Chinese dialectology, mechanism of sound change. His recently work is Menggu Ziyun Jijiao.



Shi Feng


Shi Feng, born in 1949, obtained MA from the department of Chinese language and literature of Renmin university of China in 1982 and L.D. from the department of Chinese language and literature of Nankai university in 1990. He currently is a professor and doctoral supervisor of school of arts of Nankai university, Beijing language and culture university distinguished professor. His research interests include experimental linguistics, language evolution, language contact and language acquisition. His major works include Studies In Tone And Stops, A Collection Of Manuscripts of Phonetics and so on.



Endo Mitsuaki


Endo Mitsuaki,born in 1958, graduated from Tokyo University master of Chinese literature in 1982, the same year to study Chinese literature from Peking University. In 1985, he graduated from the university of Tokyo under the tutorage of Hisao Hirayama. He is currently a professor of the Japanese Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU), whose research field is about Chinese dialectology, phonology, geographical linguistics. His main representative works are Chinese Phonological Studies, The Chinese Dialects Studies, The Chinese Rhymes Studies and so on.



Zhang Menghan


Zhang Menghan, born in 1987, is a postdoctoral fellow in the department of biology, school of life sciences, Fudan university. He is now a young researcher at the institute of modern linguistics, Fudan university. He received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a doctor's degree in linguistics. He studied under professors Pan Wuyun and Jin Li. His main research interests are the study of language and cultural evolution based on population diffusion patterns using the tools of population genetics and computational biology; By means of complex system modeling and multi-agent simulation, the evolution patterns and rules of language in population structure are studied. On April 25, 2019, the paper entitled "Phylogenetic evidence for Sino-Tibetan origin in northern China in the Late Neolithic" was published by the first author on Nature.


Speakers 主题报告

Speakers 主题报告

CIEL-11, Dec. 23-24, 2019

Speakers 主题报告

Speakers 主题报告

CIEL-11, Dec. 23-24, 2019

Speakers 主题报告

Speakers 主题报告

CIEL-11, Dec. 23-24, 2019

Speakers 主题报告

Speakers 主题报告

CIEL-11, Dec. 23-24, 2019

Speakers 主题报告

Speakers 主题报告




The Minhang Campus of East China Normal University (ECNU) is located in No.500, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai. Here are some tips illustrate how you can travel to the conference venue of CIEL-11 from the 6 most important transport pivots in Shanghai.


1.  From Pudong International Airport:

Pudong International Airport-【take Metro Line 2】-People’s Square-【take Metro Line 1】-Xinzhuang-【take Metro Line 5】-Dongchuan Road-【take Bus Jiangchuan 3】-Jianchuan Road South Lianhua Road or Jianchuan Road South Hongmei Road.

2. From Hongqiao Railway Station or International Airport:

Hongqiao Railway Station or International Airport-【take Metro Line 2】-Zhongshan Park-【take Metro Line 4】-Shanghai Gymnasium-【take Metro Line 1】-Xinzhuang-【take Metro Line 5】-Dongchuan Road-【take Bus Jiangchuan 3】-Jianchuan Road South Lianhua Road or Jianchuan Road South Hongmei Road.

3. From Shanghai Railway Station:

Shanghai Railway Station-【take Metro Line 2】-Xinzhuang-【take Metro Line 5】-Dongchuan Road-【take Bus Jiangchuan 3】- Jianchuan Road South Lianhua Road or Jianchuan Road South Hongmei Road.

4. From Shanghai South Railway Station:

Shanghai South Railway Station-【take Metro Line 1】-Xinzhuang-【take Metro Line 5】-Dongchuan Road-【take Bus Jiangchuan 3】- Jianchuan Road South Lianhua Road or Jianchuan Road South Hongmei Road.


5. From Songjiang South Railway Station:

Songjiang South Railway Station -【take Metro Line 9】-Xujiahui-【take Metro Line 1】- Xinzhuang-【take Metro Line 5】-Dongchuan Road-【take Bus Jiangchuan 3】- Jianchuan Road South Lianhua Road or Jianchuan Road South Hongmei Road.

6. From Shanghai West Railway Station:

Shanghai West Railway Station -【take Metro Line 11】-Xujiahui-【take Metro Line 1】- Xinzhuang-【take Metro Line 5】-Dongchuan Road-【take Bus Jiangchuan 3】- Jianchuan Road South Lianhua Road or Jianchuan Road South Hongmei Road.




1. 从浦东国际机场出发:


2. 从虹桥火车站/虹桥国际机场出发:


3. 从上海火车站出发:


4. 从上海南站出发:


5. 从松江南站出发:


6. 从上海西站出发:



Accomodation    住宿

Welcome to the 11th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics. The team of conference administration is currently preparing for the hotel reservation. Here is the information of hotels for your reference. If you would like to make a hotel reservation via our service, please fill in the form at the end of this document and send this form back by E-mail (see details in the Notice No.2 of CIEL-11). You can also see more hotel information in the belowing gallery which provides 4 avaliable hotels near the conference venue!



Information of 4 avaliable hotels/ 可供选择的4家酒店信息


Contact 联系我们

  • Conference Email 会议邮箱: 

  • Public Account of Wechat 微信公众号:ECNU-linguistics

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